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A complete surveillance system
in a single, compact, application
Video, analytics, AI, geo-reference, aerial map creation, POI-based mission planning, coordinate extraction.
Up till now these capabilities were the sole proprietary of the military.
Used for surveillance and intelligence gathering, they required airplanes, satellites, large crews and a huge budget.
With drones being utilized for a multitude of uses, operators need these capabilities for their every day work.
This is why we made FLIGHT.
This military-grade software packs all these capabilities on your laptop.
We've been developing FLIGHT for over 25 years. Now it's available for anybody flying a drone.
How can you use it?

Pre Mission
Load map of mission area
Load/Mark points-of-interest on the map
Save points list
Post mission
Playback video
Automatic AI analytics, tracking and geo-positioning
Mark points in the video and on map
Save points list
Create and update aerial map
See changes
An army in the palm of your hand.

Contact us for more details
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